Open Architecture, by Esra Akcan

This book takes the IBA '87 in Berlin Kreuzberg as a lens to look at the adaptability and generosity of architecture to be appropriated for people from all kinds of (cultural) backgrounds.

This is a quesiton we are also dealing with in our design studios. One examplary project it Temporary Housing by Maurizio Mätzler, German Kiyyan, Angela Roth, which proposes to repurpose an abandoned tower in the middle of Piraeus for temporary residents.

Kader Konuk, Professor and Chair, Turkish Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, writes the following about the book: "In this tour de force from one of architectureal history's leading lights, Esra Akcan narrates the contemporary architecture of Berlin via a series of strolls through the urban landscape. Her critical reflections on the status of the noncitizen residents and rare insights into the intimate spaces of the refugee residents, the book traverses multiple disciplines, making it an indispensable reference work for Architextural History, Urban Studies, Migration, Refugee and Critical Border Studies, and German, Turkish and European Studies."


“The book asks what would have happened if the architectural discipline and profession were shaped by a new ethics of hospitality toward the immigrant, and calls this open architecture. It [...] conceptualizes open architecture's various types with terms such as flexibility and adaptability of form, unfinished and unfinalizable design, collectivity and collaboration, participation and democracy, and multiplicity of meaning.” (From the preface)

“Open Architecture – Migration, Citizenship and the Urban Renewal of Berlin-Kreuzberg by IBA 1984/87” by Esra Akcan