The Broadcasting Platform

This website is a broadcasting platform. Here the ideas produced within the framework of Newrope are shared with the broader public. The research that is carried out within the programme – and the field of spatial design and social innovation at large – are presented as an ongoing process. This digital space is designed in direct relation to the social and public spaces we share in the urban environment. The front page is akin to the public square. Normative and social behaviour gives shape to physical, as well as digital space. The structure is reminiscent of the popular blog format – a by now cultural archetype – appropriated to accommodate the rich and diverse research of the program. Here, a multiplicity of ideas and forms of content collide, and exist together.


The ‘images’ visible on the front page are a series of designs we call ‘props’. These designs are made with a focus on utility and user-value. Each prop represents a strand of content within the programme, these are integral tools for communicating the activities and building an archive resource.


The props are primarily communication tools, but the visual results are simultaneously intended to be experimental, explorative, and self-reflexive in character. For example the prop that represents media utilises body parts of Newrope participants, turning them into a distinctive image with a pre-programmed ‘action’. In another example informal notes produce imagery directly from the interface of our mobile devices. As designers, we see this series of templated designs as a proposition which stands in dialogue with the modernist design tradition; making design available for the use and benefit of many not just a few.

The second state of the website is akin to a library. Here, content is unpacked and understood in its entirety. The ecology of the content and the social relations underpinning it is emphasised by functioning as navigation. Metadata moves across the screen and interrupts the reader, while offering new pathways to content. The digital space of Newrope is a self-reflexive model of public space. Where the interplay, and a messy vitality between architectural elements and human agents are explored and made accessible to the broader public.